A certificate for 'Management Consulting Awards 2022' for Smart Transformation for an award 'Most Comprehensive Transformation Methodology Platform 2022'

I am very happy to let you know, that Smart Transformation and our approach have just been recognized as the 🎇 “Most Comprehensive Transformation Methodology Platform 2022” 🎇 🙂 🎉 👏

Our efforts to build a robust system, applicable to a variety of business challenges and creating a standardized, yet tailor-made WCM / Lean / TPM platform have been noticed!

The PlatT methodology is an integrative improvement system, serving as a Platform for Transformation of company operations. Its semi-rigid framework allows for conducting structured assessments across company functions, flexible road-mapping, encompassing Clients’ specific strategy, needs and priorities and building a live, agile Continuous Improvement system living up to the needs and dreams.

It has been proven in 90+ large-scale successful projects in 15 industries and 16 countries.

We have fixed and revived a number of limping Lean implementations to make them live, agile and successful.

Sounds interesting?

Drop me a note and I’ll be happy to discuss how it can help your company or improve your current WCM or Lean implementation.

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